25aprAll Day27International Summit on Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 2024
We are delighted to welcome you to The International Summit on Industrial andManufacturing Engineering to be held on 25-27 April in Munich, Germany.Advances in industrial and
We are delighted to welcome you to The International Summit on Industrial and
Manufacturing Engineering to be held on 25-27 April in Munich, Germany.
Advances in industrial and manufacturing engineering in the era of change are of such
an importance. The Conference will hence address the current research and future trends
in the field in order to contribute to the world of multidisciplinary nature of science and
After several rounds of review procedures, the program committee accepted those pa-
pers to be published in conference proceeding. We wish to express our sincere appre-
ciation to all the individuals who have contributed to ISIME 2024. Special thanks are
extended to our colleagues in program committee for their review of all the submissions,
which is vital to the success of the conference, and to the members in the organizing
committee who had dedicated their time and efforts in planning, promoting, organizing
and helping the conference.
Last but not the least, our special thanks go to our plenary, keynote and featured speak-
ers for all the kind and patient support and assistance they offered to our whole confer-
ence procedures.
In all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the participants to make the
conference an absolute success.
25. April 2024 - 27. April 2024 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)
Holiday Inn Munich South
Kistlerhofstraße 142, 81379 Munich, Germany